Sunday, November 16, 2008

Painting Sheer Fabric Miniature Healthcare (I): preventive step

n Over the past year several cases have been increasing in the aforementioned diseases, despite all kinds of campaigns in order to make people aware of how important it is not neglect their health before any sign of surprise.

So, everything related to cancers that may be treatable if detected early as breast cancer, cervical and prostate, have been subject to campaigns of all kinds which is attributed to the people responsible for this expansion, if that does not go to the doctor with some rigor and frequency. The ministry of health,the hand of some foundations that treat these diseases, have been already more than a decade, all kinds of activities ranging from marches, conferences and symposia and listening to television campaigns, in which reinforces the idea of how important it is to get review in time to avoid complications. Yet people do not go to the doctor and diseases such as cervical cancer is the most treatable and the cure is more, they end up becoming one of the highest rates female mortality in the country. This undoubtedly leads to a series of questions, summarized in "qu & eacuyou, is going on? Why people do not attend promptly to the doctor when there are many means by which it has disclosed the importance of being strictly like Pap tests, just to prevent these diseases?

The immediate answer is found in the factor of "responsibility" that is attributed to people about these facts. Indeed, such is the burden they have to be you wind up feeling guilty for not having gone to the doctor as he had said repeatedly on several occasions. In this sense, people choose to ignore (when they suspect or detect that something is not right) in procure not feel scolded and even worse, judged by the attending physician, not having come before the problem larger.

Of course what I am saying is an assumption not mine. Indeed, in recent years there have been several investigations in order to respond to this phenomenon, and in this way manage to find alternative ways of solving that result in massive assistance checkup to this type of event, easily predictable and curable, even.

It is worth highlighting the work done by Wiesner, Vejarano, Caicedo, Tovar and Cendales (2006) on cytologyilde, as preventive and the way how to act against them. Coming


: care against STDs, HPV and third party liability on obtaining the virus, is an incurable virus HPV?, Existing myths about cancer breast. _________

* Wiesner, C., Vejarano, M., Caicedo, JC, Tovar, M. and Cendales, R. (2006) The Cervical Cytology in Soacha, Colombia: social representation, barriers and motivations. Journal of Public Health
, 8 (3), 185-196



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